Dic 082010

Ieri è stato decisamente un “patch day” per Adobe, oltre agli aggiornamenti di Camera Raw e Lighroom, sono stati resi disponibili i link all’aggiornamento 12.0.2 per Photoshop CS5 per Windows e per Mac.

Photoshop CS5Riportiamo dal sito Adobe la lista dei fix principali:

— A number of potential security vulnerabilities have been addressed
— Top type and font crashers found in the field have been addressed
— A number of performance issues have been addressed
— Crash opening 3D layers has been addressed
— Color Engine crash has been resolved
— Intermittent file format issues addressed
— Shift scrolling bug fixed
— Sharpen crasher fixed
— Marching ants not seen at certain zoom levels fixed
— Metadata focus distance issue addressed
— File info bug addressed for Orphea Studio jpg files
— TWAIN crashers fixed
— Brush cursor bug fixed
— Histogram progress bar issue fixed
— Droplet issues addressed

Non so se si tratta solo di un’impressione, ma dopo l’installazione dell’aggiornamento ho notato un netto miglioramento delle prestazioni.